00:00:03:29 - 00:00:11:25 Deadair Dennis Word up. Everybody welcomes you. Word of the day with comedians. I'm your host, Deadair Dennis Maler. And joining me from the West Coast it's Erin Tracy. What's going on, Erin? 00:00:11:28 - 00:00:17:03 Erin Tracy Hey, I'm excited to be here. I'm a little nervous, but for thanks for having me. 00:00:17:21 - 00:00:37:12 Deadair Dennis This is why I love when you meet. We are pandemic friends, as I like to call it. So we know each other strictly, virtually. And because you're West Coast and East Coast, there's always a variance in our lighting. Like, basically every time I connect to you, sense going down or gone or I'm watching the sun slowly go down and you're on your end of the thing. 00:00:38:27 - 00:00:55:21 Erin Tracy Yeah, it's it's. I mean, it's California, so it's just sunny here. Even at night, I think is the reason we all moved here, and the sun never goes down. Also, yeah, we're. I don't even know, but. Oh, that sounds weird, but I was going to say, I don't even know what you look like from the waist down. 00:00:58:27 - 00:00:59:25 Erin Tracy I'm OK. You know. 00:01:00:05 - 00:01:05:21 Deadair Dennis If I had a nickel for every woman who didn't know what the waist down on me looked like, I wouldn't have to do this podcast for money. 00:01:06:19 - 00:01:12:09 Erin Tracy Listen, I got to say, that speaks highly of you as a man, because I don't think everybody lives like that. 00:01:13:27 - 00:01:15:12 Erin Tracy Be more like than as everybody. 00:01:18:09 - 00:01:23:23 Deadair Dennis Oh, I'm pretty sure you have a lot of unsolicited photos on your phone from guys on the ways down that you didn't want. 00:01:24:02 - 00:01:43:25 Erin Tracy Thank you. And I don't know you know, actually, I don't get a ton of those kinds of pictures, but I take pictures of trash like garbage in my neighborhood as like an ongoing thing. It's called strange Trash of Glendale. And it's on my Instagram stories. And so, men, don't send me those pictures. But they do send me pictures of their trash. 00:01:45:00 - 00:01:46:21 Erin Tracy Which is kind of the same thing. 00:01:46:23 - 00:01:49:17 Deadair Dennis Oh, you didn't. So, so much D.M. Boston Trash. 00:01:49:17 - 00:01:50:20 Speaker 3 Now, take it. 00:01:50:28 - 00:01:55:15 Erin Tracy I'll take I'll take trash over dicks in my DMs any day. 00:01:56:16 - 00:02:01:11 Deadair Dennis Actually, you're not. Pictures of Boston Trash is also known as Dick Pic, so. Yeah. 00:02:01:12 - 00:02:05:19 Erin Tracy Yeah, it's true. It's true. Oh, my gosh. 00:02:05:22 - 00:02:22:09 Deadair Dennis And you know, and that now brings us to the perfect time to tell you about our word of the day, which is a sequence of asking. All right. And see, this is why I think I can't be trusted to pronounce words because I went to six years of community college and didn't graduate. And that's why I am employed. 00:02:22:16 - 00:02:36:29 Deadair Dennis I have employed any are I pro manservant who is a professional now? Friends and any will tell me how to properly pronounce today's where do they or and he's going to tell me how badly I pronounce today's word. 00:02:38:04 - 00:02:38:10 Speaker 3 Okay. 00:02:40:10 - 00:02:41:23 Erin Tracy Askance. Right. 00:02:43:14 - 00:02:55:07 Deadair Dennis Askance. OK, so I thought it was askance. All right. Askance. Like, hey, you know what? You know, it is very disapproving. Askance, which rather obscure. Askance? A sconce? 00:02:55:07 - 00:02:56:04 Erin Tracy Askance. 00:02:56:07 - 00:02:57:22 Deadair Dennis That's the thing on the wall that holds a light. 00:02:58:18 - 00:03:18:21 Erin Tracy I know I went through a whole crisis when I heard this word. What I was like, because I'm from the south where everybody pronounce all, like, everything is wrong. Like, it's Nickys It's not Nikes. So I was like, I'm pretty sure I've heard people say it's a sconce. And then I was like, no, no, it's askance. Like, like, stick stick with a reading Erin, like askance. 00:03:18:26 - 00:03:28:06 Erin Tracy But I went through that whole series of thoughts too., Askance? A scones? I guess if you were like, British, I don't know. I'll have a sconce, right? 00:03:30:18 - 00:03:33:00 Deadair Dennis Oh, my God. The schools for breakfast. 00:03:33:24 - 00:03:34:28 Speaker 3 Yeah. I love a school. 00:03:35:05 - 00:03:48:20 Deadair Dennis In askance means, too. It means with disapproval or distrust. Or with a side glance. And I'm pretty sure we were just talking about a series of photos that would be very askance because no one approved of them. 00:03:48:21 - 00:03:59:10 Erin Tracy Yeah. Aside I feel like you just gave me side-eye as my word. I don't know what that says about what you think about me. I do give a lot of side-eye. 00:03:59:24 - 00:04:04:00 Deadair Dennis I pick the words at random. But you know what? I definitely could see you being the type that's like. 00:04:06:01 - 00:04:20:03 Erin Tracy Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I disapprove. I disapprove of all the things right now. I feel like however this word gets my approval so I will not look askance at askance. 00:04:20:11 - 00:04:47:28 Deadair Dennis What we will approve of is today's fun fact. Did you know about the word askance and of course, as much like our sponsor of our fun fact of the day, Merriam-Webster, They askance actually being my sponsor because they won't return my calls. Or answer them. They never started. Anyway, our fun fact is you know is askance was first used in English in the 16th century with the meaning sideways or with a sideways glance. 00:04:48:09 - 00:04:58:25 Deadair Dennis And writers over the years have used the suggestion of someone looking askance at something to express a number of feelings from disapproval and distrust all the way to jealousy. 00:04:59:08 - 00:05:00:23 Speaker 3 Oh yeah, that's fine. 00:05:00:23 - 00:05:09:24 Erin Tracy I feel like that's like actively space then. You know what I mean? Like, it's not that stupid face it's activated to. 00:05:09:25 - 00:05:10:18 Speaker 3 You're like. 00:05:13:23 - 00:05:16:06 Erin Tracy You're really engaging on the thing, you know. 00:05:16:06 - 00:05:16:24 Speaker 3 Like. 00:05:18:14 - 00:05:32:29 Erin Tracy Like what was going on back in the 16th century that they were like, you know what? We need a word for that. You know, like. Like with somebody, somebody ascot. Somebody was wearing a bad ascot. I have no idea what happened to the 16th century. It's the same as before ascots to me. 00:05:35:18 - 00:05:39:24 Deadair Dennis Yeah. Yeah. Ascot Century was the 16th century. That's when it was super hot. Yes. 00:05:39:28 - 00:05:40:12 Erin Tracy I mean. 00:05:41:18 - 00:05:43:28 Deadair Dennis Mm maybe that's a start. 00:05:44:10 - 00:05:47:09 Erin Tracy Let's no go. 00:05:47:29 - 00:06:07:26 Deadair Dennis Should we adjourn to the courtroom so we can askance about Gregory's Ascot? Whatever Ascot? Should we adjourn to the courtroom so we can gab? All right, I'm going to do that joke. I'm going to get that joke out. Let me fucking work on. I told you I do psychedelics. And this time, third time. 00:06:08:05 - 00:06:17:20 Erin Tracy But I it's got to be. I looked askance at his ascot right yes. 00:06:17:23 - 00:06:37:16 Deadair Dennis That's that's where it is. OK, and now that brings us to the time to start constructing our sentence, since we now fully have enveloped ourselves in the meaning of askance, we need to construct our sentence using the word askance in askance in context. Whether I keep wanting to pronounce it the right way or not, we're going to use it in the right context. 00:06:37:18 - 00:06:40:12 Erin Tracy It's almost hard to believe that Merriam-Webster won't call you back. 00:06:45:00 - 00:07:02:18 Deadair Dennis And of course, every good sentence has to be about somebody needs to have a subject. And so let's think about who will be the person that we will be referring askance to. What is the name of somebody? Hmm. Let's you not often I start the subject. Sometimes we'll start with the action we'll start with the action on this one. 00:07:02:28 - 00:07:06:01 Deadair Dennis That way we can determine what kind of person would be using. 00:07:06:01 - 00:07:09:29 Erin Tracy So people that don't believe in women's reproductive rights. 00:07:14:15 - 00:07:18:10 Deadair Dennis Oh gee, that's a subject that you just pulled out of the air that has no... 00:07:18:14 - 00:07:18:23 Speaker 3 Right. 00:07:19:28 - 00:07:21:11 Erin Tracy To topical too soon. 00:07:21:13 - 00:07:26:09 Deadair Dennis This show is evergreen, and not dropping at that topic definitely happens all the time. 00:07:26:10 - 00:07:28:17 Erin Tracy So yes, sadly, that is also evergreen. 00:07:30:13 - 00:07:36:18 Deadair Dennis This show could be in 2022, 2018, or 1973. Who knows? 00:07:38:04 - 00:08:03:06 Erin Tracy Or the 16 hundreds, no, 16th century, not 16 hundreds. Oh boy, please cut that out. I'm not a total idiot, only a medium idiot. Yeah. It makes me think of oh this is about to get serious. I feel like I want to keep things light for the word of the day but like, like those scary dudes that stand and hold like let me adopt your baby signs. 00:08:07:25 - 00:08:22:10 Erin Tracy I get it anyway. But I would, I look like the, the person walking by looked askance at a scamps, not a skunk. Oh, my gosh. Cut that out, please. Cut that out. 00:08:23:03 - 00:08:30:15 Deadair Dennis Or maybe what we should do is that we should so on askance someone because they kept saying askance. 00:08:30:15 - 00:08:34:12 Erin Tracy Yet askance me for saying that's wrong. That's down to me. For us. 00:08:35:29 - 00:08:49:23 Erin Tracy God dammit. I don't know. Take out all that stuff. That was my pitch was not good. I'm too filled with rage about it. She looked askance at the radio host that kept pronouncing askance "a sconce." 00:08:49:25 - 00:08:59:21 Deadair Dennis I feel like isn't now. This is. We're we've now become the subject of our own sentence. 00:08:59:21 - 00:09:04:03 Erin Tracy Just wanted to do the action for this sentence and... 00:09:07:09 - 00:09:11:11 Deadair Dennis And that's why this is a video podcast so you can go ahead and do the look when you say the sentence. 00:09:11:11 - 00:09:23:20 Erin Tracy I'm frozen on my end, so I don't actually... I'm just smiling and leaning toward the screen. I'm looking askance at my own frozen image. 00:09:24:09 - 00:09:34:20 Deadair Dennis All right, everybody we have officially picked our word of the day. We have defined it, and we have created a sentence using today's word of the day in context. And to present all that for you as my guest, Erin Tracy. 00:09:34:29 - 00:09:43:19 Erin Tracy The word of the day is askance and it means with disapproval or distrust or with a side glance. Oh, can I say that again? 00:09:45:09 - 00:09:45:24 Deadair Dennis Go for it. 00:09:45:25 - 00:09:46:17 Erin Tracy I'll do it again. 00:09:47:18 - 00:09:51:17 Deadair Dennis Oh, no. Yeah. See, I'm not the only two-take person on the show, am I? 00:09:52:10 - 00:09:58:15 Erin Tracy I'm frozen. It's very hard when I can't see what I look like. I'm frozen on my side. 00:09:58:15 - 00:10:04:14 Deadair Dennis Oh, I know, I know. It's so difficult for you to go through your daily life and not look at your own pretty self oh, god. 00:10:04:16 - 00:10:17:23 Erin Tracy You have to look at yourself to know how it's coming across. That's why we all have monitors that I'm ready for oh, just go. Ah, you're not going to do the intro again. Yeah. 00:10:18:01 - 00:10:18:23 Deadair Dennis I'll do it again. 00:10:18:23 - 00:10:20:22 Erin Tracy Sure you don't need. I'm happy. 00:10:21:09 - 00:10:33:12 Deadair Dennis Feed. You know, I'm going to feed you the line. I'm going to feed you the line. I'm going to feed you on that and present all of that for you is my guest let me let me give you like a real LA reading. I'll feed you the line. 00:10:33:29 - 00:10:34:28 Erin Tracy All right. All right. I'm ready. 00:10:36:00 - 00:10:39:18 Deadair Dennis And to present all of that for you is my guest Erin Tracy. 00:10:42:27 - 00:11:14:26 Erin Tracy Well, the word of the day is how I'm looking at you with that reading you gave me just now, because the word of the day is askance which means with disapproval or distrust or with sideway glances. So so that intro, Dennis and I sentences using this word is "Erin looked at the college dropout radio host Dennis askance because he kept pronouncing the word of the day a sconce which sounds like a British pastry or a 16th century wall lite holder." 00:11:15:15 - 00:11:37:23 Deadair Dennis Aha perfect! This is the most meta episode and I love every single second of it. Because we have expanded our vocabulary by one more word today. I want to thank everybody for watching and for listening. And of course, if you use today's word of the day in a sentence, whether it's in context or not, or if it's about how you're disapproving of how I do something, please tell me all about that in the comments. 00:11:37:23 - 00:11:42:26 Deadair Dennis And I also want to thank Erin for being here today. Please, Erin, tell everyone where they can find you. 00:11:42:27 - 00:11:53:24 Erin Tracy You can find me at Erin Tracy Comedy on All the Things. That's my website, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, at Erin Tracy comedy or ErinTracyComedy.com. 00:11:53:27 - 00:12:01:15 Deadair Dennis Excellent. All right. Thank you, everybody, for watching. For listening. And don't forget to word up! 00:12:01:15 - 00:12:14:16 Deadair Dennis Thank you so much for watching this episode of Word of the Day with comedians all the way to the end. I greatly appreciate it. And if you want to continue to keep expanding your vocabulary the funniest way possible, I recommend clicking this part right here to watch our latest episode. 00:12:15:01 - 00:12:23:23 Deadair Dennis Of course, stay up to date with everything by subscribing or listening to Word of the Day with comedians on the go by downloading it on iTunes or Spotify.