00:00:03:19 - 00:00:11:27 Deadair Dennis Word up everybody. Welcome to Word of the Day with Comedians. I'm your host, Deadair Dennis Maler. And joining us on the program today is comedian Joe Gorman. What's going on, Joe? 00:00:13:08 - 00:00:14:09 Joe Gorman Hey, thanks for having me, man. 00:00:14:09 - 00:00:26:26 Deadair Dennis I love that you take care of both the video and audio medium by waving and also vocally saying hi to our audience. That's that is a man that takes efficient use of all mediums. Thank you, Joe. 00:00:27:05 - 00:00:31:16 Joe Gorman Of course, man. Happy to. Happy to help Got it. You got to play to everybody. 00:00:32:01 - 00:00:51:17 Deadair Dennis And that brings us now to what our word of the day is. And our word of the day is simulacrum, simulacrum. Which sounds like a name of a necromancer from Dungeons and Dragons, is actually a superficial likeness or representation of something. All right. Maybe I nailed that indie thing entirely too accurately then. 00:00:51:18 - 00:01:11:27 Joe Gorman I don't know, man. My my first thought was like that. It was the the the I thought it was like the basically, like, a better name for, like, the dick cheese. If you're if you don't wash under your foreskin. That's what I immediately went to on that. Oi, you got a little simulacrum under there. Just be sure you fold back and wash. 00:01:11:28 - 00:01:18:21 Joe Gorman You know, be careful. You say, is that Yiddish? 00:01:18:26 - 00:01:28:13 Deadair Dennis There's so many words in Yiddish that we don't realize just means dick, small, dick, or even smaller dick. So, you know, simulacrum could be a good word for that. Yeah. 00:01:28:13 - 00:01:38:22 Joe Gorman They're always saying like, well, like, that's not what real comedy is. And then they're like, oh, here's some traditional Yiddish comedy. And still Dick jokes. It's just Dick jokes that we didn't know were Dick jokes at the time. 00:01:40:25 - 00:01:49:23 Deadair Dennis Didn't they find a graffiti on one of the walls of Pompeii, that was just a dick joke? It was like an ancient Sumerian language dick joke written on a wall. 00:01:49:23 - 00:02:12:27 Joe Gorman It was like a dick joke or like a fart joke, something like that. It was. It was that. It's we always think like, Oh, there's this beautiful culture. But then like one of the oldest written things is that dick joke. And then they found, like, this dildo that's older than any civilization that's ever existed. So before mankind was even like, we need to work together and form a society and evolve from just these primates. 00:02:13:04 - 00:02:27:18 Joe Gorman There was like a, we got to feel good, you know, that was like the first of it beyond the wheel. I think the dildo is, is the greatest invention that humanity made. It got us out of our caves to acquire the tools necessary to make this thing. 00:02:28:05 - 00:02:51:07 Deadair Dennis That shows you Mel Brooks nailed it with history of the world when all the monkeys are rising and then they just beating off. And that now brings us to our fun fact, did you know-ism of the day for the word of the day, which is Simulacrum. And of course our, as every day, word of the day fun fact is brought to you by Merriam-Webster, who is not a sponsor and refuses to answer my calls. 00:02:51:07 - 00:03:17:28 Deadair Dennis In fact, they never refused. They just never started anyway. And our fun fact is there is a similarity between simulacrum and simulate. Both words come from simulare, S-I-M-U-L-A-R-E, a Latin verb meaning to copy, represent or feign. Simulacrum is a name for an image or representation and simulate means to look, feel or behave like something. 00:03:18:06 - 00:03:31:15 Deadair Dennis So we have two words that both spawn from similar Latin, meaning that almost mean the same, which means assimilate is assimilate a simulacrum because it is a likeness almost like the same thing, but it's not the same thing. 00:03:31:23 - 00:03:51:28 Joe Gorman Yeah, it's like it's a fancy way to say a big faker or a big, big liar. You know how to and how to fake it till you fake it till you make it is just has been around forever. That that's really what it comes down to. This is just a fancy way of saying that, you know, it's like, oh, just like pretend, you know, to act with purpose even if you don't know what you're doing. 00:03:51:28 - 00:03:58:07 Joe Gorman And then people think, oh, they know what they're doing. You know, that's just the that's the Webster's definition of it. 00:03:59:03 - 00:04:03:16 Deadair Dennis Or, New Jersian peoples are simulacrum of New York people in disguise. 00:04:03:16 - 00:04:25:06 Joe Gorman Yes. Exactly, exactly. And they say they have better pizza, but it's absolutely not true. Come on, come on. New Jersey? It might be all right, but it's no New York pizza. If you can't buy it for a dollar, it's not worth it. All right. Where's the best pizzas in New York? Always, always cost a dollar. All the fancy ones with their health codes. 00:04:25:06 - 00:04:26:27 Joe Gorman Don't don't go there. You know. 00:04:27:18 - 00:04:32:15 Deadair Dennis Hey, if they got a letter on the wall telling you how good or bad they are, that's not the New York pizza place for you. 00:04:32:15 - 00:04:52:24 Joe Gorman That's out. That's not where the working class go. All right? That's where all the the fancy gentrifiers like to eat. But we're eating the real New York pizza the one that was featured in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: The Secret of the Ooze. That opening scene where everyone's eating pizza, one of the one of the greatest scenes in cinema history. 00:04:53:12 - 00:05:13:19 Joe Gorman Everyone's always like, oh, no. The scene in The Godfather is one of the greatest in no way, man. The opening scene of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 perfectly captured Pre-9-11 New York. We weren't worried about terrorism. Trump wasn't in the White House. People were just eating pizza. Even like a guy that got arrested by the NYPD he was eating pizza, too. 00:05:13:19 - 00:05:14:26 Joe Gorman That was a great scene. 00:05:14:28 - 00:05:48:17 Deadair Dennis Excellent. And that now brings us to the time of the day where we will start constructing a sentence using our word of the day in context and of course, every good sentence has to have a subject has to be about a person, because that's what makes it relatable, apparently. So for us, what is the name of a person who we can say maybe a simulacrum? It doesn't have to be an actual person, doesn't have the proper now, it doesn't have to be somebody that we know or a famous person just what is a generic name that would represent somebody who could be referred to as a superficial likeness. 00:05:48:26 - 00:06:17:01 Joe Gorman Sad, I guess it would probably be. What's the what's the term, a West Coast comedian? Oh, yeah. We're taking some shots now. It's definitely the the the it again like the circle back to the the fake it to you make it is just like, you know, it's like any comedian that that says when somebody says, you know, "hey can you do 15 minutes?" and some comedian six months in says "yes." 00:06:17:01 - 00:06:40:20 Joe Gorman And you know if they're lucky they got like a decent 5 minutes in front of a paying audience. But everyone has that time where they're like, I have I have at least 14 minutes and 30 seconds of crowd work and there there are a simulacrum of a bookable comedian that's been working several years. You know we all we all do that too. 00:06:41:04 - 00:07:01:08 Joe Gorman We've all we've all done like, oh, I'm going to, I'm going to I'm a simulacrum headliner right now when really I'm an in real life feature, you know, we can we can stretch a good 20 minutes set to 45 minutes. If I take in the multiple standing ovations I'll probably get when I bring up all these, these hot hitting topics. 00:07:01:24 - 00:07:06:29 Deadair Dennis I like that. I've I guess I dubbed this guy Kyle Kyle's got like spiky hair and frosted tips. 00:07:06:29 - 00:07:27:20 Joe Gorman He starts talking like 5 minutes into seeing him at the club. He's asking you about like your social media handles. And it's always funny when you see a I love it when you see a great comedian with just very low numbers on social media, it's like, man, they are really focused on their act right now. And sometimes you'll see a comedian. 00:07:27:20 - 00:07:50:13 Joe Gorman I'm like, oh, that was an interesting choice. And then they have like 100,000 million Instagram, and I'm like, What the hell? And they got like these videos in each video has like a thousand million views and like, it's never like an expertly. Isn't that a bummer? Like, because like, I bought like this, this fancy phone to take like fancy high definition 4K video of me on stage. 00:07:50:20 - 00:08:11:15 Joe Gorman And then this, this comic that has like 100,000,000 billion followers, it's like this shaky fucking pixelated thing. It looks like the Bigfoot footage, but like they're crushing it on stage and they have like the captions, I don't know how to do captions that sets me back. I have to ask a young person to put captions on my video because that's that's like a look. 00:08:11:15 - 00:08:33:23 Joe Gorman I'm just lucky I was able to transfer some DVD copies of my, my set digital and I thought that was a huge accomplishment, figuring that out. Like, I don't I'm, I'm, I'm not going to be, I'm not going to be a simulacrum and I'm going to be honest, like, I am I am technologically impaired. Like, I'm very lucky that I can even shoot a video of myself. 00:08:35:07 - 00:08:53:26 Deadair Dennis All right. So let's see if we're going to use this West Coast of wannabe fake ass comedian Kyle as our subject. Yeah. What can we have him doing? I feel like we've got enough fluff in there to highlight that he is a fake. I think you're faker, but let's see if we can construct a sarcastic sentence using some of these items. 00:08:54:14 - 00:09:32:23 Joe Gorman Any any comedian that has an entourage of non comedian friends going to open mics with them is like, what? How do you how do you pull this? You know, comedians always third on their their bio. If they have something, you know, it's usually like influencer stream or comedian actor director, photographer, and then it's like and then proud father of three like kids are always like the last thing on the bio for so many. 00:09:33:01 - 00:09:48:27 Joe Gorman Like, I'm just going to tuck that away in there, you know? And then if the career's not going well, they're like, I am a father first. It's like, that's like once they, once they hit that certain like age where it's like oh, well, I can no longer star as you know, thus the hilarious, you know, 20 something guys. 00:09:48:27 - 00:09:51:21 Joe Gorman Like, look, my family's always taking top priority. 00:09:52:00 - 00:10:01:19 Deadair Dennis All right, everybody, we've officially picked our word of the day. We have to find it. And we have created a sentence using it in context. And to present all that for you is my guest, Joe Gorman. 00:10:01:20 - 00:10:28:06 Joe Gorman Hey, everyone. Thanks for having me. The word of the day is simple Quran. Very powerful word. Simulacrum is a superficial likeness or a representation of something. I think we all have a few images of what pops into our mind when you say that. But Dennis and I have made a delicious little definition for all of you out there on radio, TV, Wonderland to better understand this. 00:10:28:15 - 00:10:48:17 Joe Gorman So the other comedian at the open mic dubbed Kyle who's on tour from the West Coast AKA, visiting his mom for her birthday, is bragging about his self-funded five month anniversary YouTube special, a simulacrum of a real working comedian. 00:10:49:25 - 00:11:07:23 Deadair Dennis Perfect. Excellent. Not only did we stick one to you West Coast, Kyle, but we also expanded our vocabulary by one more word today. And I thank everybody for watching and for listening. And of course, if you use today's word of the day, simulacrum in the sentence, whether it's in context or not, I want to hear all about it in the chat. 00:11:08:00 - 00:11:15:22 Deadair Dennis And thank you so much for being here. And thank you to my guest, Joe, for joining us and helping us create this sentence. Joe, please tell everyone where they can find you. 00:11:15:24 - 00:11:44:29 Joe Gorman Hey, everyone, I am on Instagram and Twitter @JoeWGorman I have a weekly podcast called Locker Room Talk, which I host with two other New York comedians, Matt Marin and Bobby Sheehan. You can follow us on Patreon at Patreon.com/JustSomeLockerRoomTalk. And if you're in the New York area, I have a monthly show at the Tiny Cupboard that I co-hosted with my girlfriend, Kelly Taylor. 00:11:45:03 - 00:11:56:24 Joe Gorman It's called Seltzer's and Bitters Comedy. It is every fourth Wednesday at the tiny cupboard at 7 p.m.. Follow me on Instagram and Twitter for more information. 00:11:56:24 - 00:12:18:18 Deadair Dennis Excellent and links to everything we just mentioned will be in the comments. Thank you for being here. And don't forget to word up. Thank you so much for watching this episode of Word of the Day with comedians all the way to the end. I greatly appreciate it. And if you want to continue to keep expanding your vocabulary the funniest way possible, I recommend clicking this part right here to watch our latest episode. 00:12:19:04 - 00:12:27:27 Deadair Dennis Of course, stay up to date with everything by subscribing or listening to Word of the Day with comedians on the go by downloading it on iTunes or Spotify.