00:00:03:24 - 00:00:13:01 Deadair Dennis Word up, everybody. Welcome to Word of the Day with Comedians. I'm your host, Deadair Dennis Maler. And joining me on the program today is comedian and podcaster Michael Palladino. What's going on, Mike? 00:00:13:02 - 00:00:14:11 Michael Palladino Not much, man. How are you? 00:00:14:24 - 00:00:23:03 Deadair Dennis Oh, oh, you know, just starting to sweat for the first time of the year here in New England, which is an all year round thing for you in Arizona. 00:00:23:04 - 00:00:27:12 Michael Palladino Yeah, I could tell you got a healthy glow going on right now. So, yeah. 00:00:28:19 - 00:00:44:15 Deadair Dennis That brings us to our word of the day today, which is Vanguard. And Vanguard refers to the forefront of an action or movement. The meaning comes from the words original sense referring to troops moving at the head of an army. Vanguard. 00:00:44:27 - 00:00:58:09 Michael Palladino For me, my association with the word with the word vanguard comes from a... God had to have been two years ago. That documentary on HBO about Nexium. Have you watch that? The Nexium? 00:00:58:20 - 00:01:01:05 Deadair Dennis Oh, no. I heard about this a lot about it. But no. 00:01:01:05 - 00:01:02:06 Michael Palladino Have you ever seen this? Have you heard about this? 00:01:02:13 - 00:01:05:04 Deadair Dennis Is that Vanguard? Is that what their religion is called, Vanguard? 00:01:05:09 - 00:01:27:09 Michael Palladino No, but the head of the whole thing, a sad little boy named Keith Raniere. He insisted that his followers call him Vanguard. So when a short, little sad boy tells a bunch of women, "by the way, I am Vanguard now," that's the sign to get the fuck out of that cult. 00:01:27:26 - 00:01:34:15 Deadair Dennis All your vanguarding is your virginity from other people. That's what you're guarding yourself from. 00:01:35:18 - 00:01:46:28 Michael Palladino There's a joke in there somewhere about creepy guys and vans and guarding, but I like. It's too early. I can't get it. I need a couple more cold brews. Vanguard. 00:01:46:28 - 00:02:09:07 Deadair Dennis You mentioned that there's that guy in front of, in charge of that cult, who insist on people calling him Vanguard. And I feel like Vanguard would the person who would insist on calling themselves Vanguard is somebody who would not be a short, charming cult leader, but somebody who'd be dopey and overweight and sits out in front of your vehicles and protects them from getting spray painted by kids in the neighborhood. 00:02:09:18 - 00:02:12:22 Michael Palladino A van guard. Yeah, a literal van guard. Yeah. 00:02:13:12 - 00:02:16:05 Deadair Dennis It was a very long way to go for a very literal definition. 00:02:16:06 - 00:02:31:02 Michael Palladino Yes. And when I would ask you, when you're done with this podcast, you look up Keith Ranieri, the leader of Nexium thing. Him, next to him, not a charming man at all. How he got away with all that is beyond me. 00:02:31:13 - 00:02:34:06 Deadair Dennis See, I assume all cult leaders have some kind of charm to them. 00:02:34:17 - 00:02:57:14 Michael Palladino They do in a way. But this is like I fucking love learning about cult leaders. I love it. You could tell by how long my hair is and everything, but yeah, like, I there's something like you could look at a lot of leaders and say, on some level I get it, but I just never got it with Keith Ranieri, a.k.a. Vanguard. 00:02:58:22 - 00:03:06:01 Michael Palladino And I'm sure a lot of your listeners will agree with me on that one. Just I just never understood why he got to be as popular as he was. 00:03:06:02 - 00:03:30:09 Deadair Dennis And that now brings us to the fun fact, did you know-ism of the word of the day, which is Vanguard and our fun fact, did you know-ism, brought to us by Merriam Webster who refuses to be a sponsor but never actually said they won't be, they just won't return my calls. Vanguard comes from Anglo French avant garde from Avante meaning before and guard, g-a-r-d-e in medieval times. 00:03:30:09 - 00:03:44:27 Deadair Dennis Avant garde referred to troupes that marched at the end of the army. Really in time, Vanguard marched its way as a word for the group of people who are the leaders of an action or movement in society. Politics art or et cetera. 00:03:45:09 - 00:03:58:15 Michael Palladino Wow. OK, so there is some crossover between Vanguard and what we know as avant garde today. OK, huh. I had no idea. I came on here and I learned some shit. 00:04:00:16 - 00:04:14:12 Deadair Dennis I I'm kind of foggy on what avant garde means now. I've heard it before. I definitely an avant garde means it's almost like a it's isn't wouldn't it almost be a cynical cinnamon cinnamon synonym to Genesis qua. 00:04:14:13 - 00:04:20:18 Michael Palladino Avant garde is it is a type of cinnamon. Yes. It's it's a brand of cinnamon. Yeah. Yeah. 00:04:22:27 - 00:04:54:12 Michael Palladino No, like when I think of the term avant garde as we know it today, it would be more like I don't like alternative maybe in a way just like or a little more like like you could say, I don't know, like the Beatles started out kind of, you know, one way, but then they turned to avant garde or they didn't like they got a little more, you know, just I don't say artsy because that's the literally the dumbest word I can fucking pick, but you know what I mean? 00:04:54:12 - 00:05:06:16 Deadair Dennis So according to Merriam Webster is an intelligent venture that develop new or expand concepts or especially in arts, the avant garde in the film and the film industry. 00:05:06:16 - 00:05:15:15 Michael Palladino OK, so then the avant garde would be technically the term used to describe the people at the forefront that are. 00:05:15:21 - 00:05:29:02 Deadair Dennis Means ahead of its time. Yeah. I mean, looking at it a sentence where it would basically be like things that are ahead of its time. And of course, in the epitome of all those little logy of the word vanguard coming from the roots. So Roots is avant garde. 00:05:29:12 - 00:05:32:07 Michael Palladino What's the the epidemiology of that word? 00:05:35:02 - 00:05:36:00 Deadair Dennis Of avant garde? 00:05:36:00 - 00:05:36:15 Michael Palladino No, no. 00:05:37:09 - 00:05:38:28 Deadair Dennis You can't say the. 00:05:38:29 - 00:05:43:09 Michael Palladino Oh, yeah, no, no, me neither. I can't say that. I think if we both said the word, I'm trying. 00:05:43:09 - 00:05:43:17 Deadair Dennis To. 00:05:44:00 - 00:05:57:28 Michael Palladino It said that the epidemiology of epidemiology there would be a grammatical hole in the space time continuum and we're trying to find the epidemiology of epidemiology. 00:05:58:16 - 00:06:18:07 Deadair Dennis And that now brings us to the time where we will start constructing our sentence using the word of the day in context. And of course every good sentence needs to have a subject needs to be about somebody. So Michael, who can we think of that could be the subject of our sentence. Somebody let's go with a generic name of a person that would represent a personality type. 00:06:18:29 - 00:06:45:18 Deadair Dennis And for our sentence for the word Vanguard, that vanguard for Vanguard. Now I'm getting off Vanguard. Vanguard, let's who is somebody who would use the word Vanguard? Which refers to a forefront or an action of movement. So who is somebody what is? Well, let's you know, let's get the subject because I think we have to figure out what the action that this person would be doing that we would use the word Vanguard. 00:06:45:18 - 00:07:08:06 Deadair Dennis So what is a thing that somebody could be doing or who would use Vanguard obviously, I think right off the top of the bat, using the military definition of it, I would be thinking of somebody who plays Dungeons and Dragons. Right? That's the first place my mind goes is somebody who's playing D & D, and he's got a legion of orcs who is his vanguard going? 00:07:08:06 - 00:07:15:15 Deadair Dennis Attack some Demagog who but let's see if we can get and use an ironic sense. 00:07:15:15 - 00:07:47:14 Michael Palladino I would say this, though, you said either somebody in like the military or somebody who's in the Dungeons and Dragons, like those would be the two types of people that we use Vanguard. I say combine those two and I work with a guy who's who is ex-military at my job. And we actually talked about this recently, but the guys who would like who talk about being special forces are never the guys who actually were a Special Forces because real guys like, you know, we don't talk about that. 00:07:47:22 - 00:08:10:07 Michael Palladino So I totally feel like anybody in the military that was like I was the vanguard or we were the vanguard of the of the Middle East area. And like in that in that theater, you know, like that would be totally a guy who didn't do much. It just sounds like a word that soldiers who don't do much use and that soldiers who do a lot think but never say. You know what, I mean? 00:08:13:19 - 00:08:39:10 Deadair Dennis Yes, I like this. I love this. I love that. Yeah. A lot of the sentences that I love the most come from like ironic definitions are talking about people who think they're using the word properly, but they're not. So I love this. OK, so what is the name of a person? Again, let's not use your actual friend person that you know, what is the name of somebody who would present themselves as someone who is in Special Forces but wasn't actually in Special Forces? 00:08:39:16 - 00:08:43:12 Deadair Dennis Is that like a Ben is that...? 00:08:43:12 - 00:08:47:16 Michael Palladino For me, that would be like a Trevor or a Scott. Or Chad. 00:08:47:16 - 00:08:55:03 Deadair Dennis Yes. Trevor Scott! Let's do it. Let's do a first and last name. We don't do a lot of first and last names here. 00:08:56:01 - 00:09:04:27 Michael Palladino Yeah. Trevor Scott. Somebody out there listening. I went to high school with with Trevor Scott. So yeah, they're going nuts right now. All right. 00:09:04:27 - 00:09:20:22 Deadair Dennis So Trevor Scott will be the person of our sentence who is a false, who claims to be a who are not erronously, but falsely claims that he was part of a vanguard. Oh, what could he be the vanguard of? First, what's the who are the ones that did bin Laden? Is that SEAL Team six? 00:09:21:00 - 00:09:22:06 Michael Palladino SEAL Team six? Yep. 00:09:22:18 - 00:09:32:12 Deadair Dennis All right, everybody, we've officially picked our word of the day. We have defined it and we have created a sentence using it in context. And to present all that for you is my guest, Michael Palladino. 00:09:33:09 - 00:09:56:07 Michael Palladino Thanks, Dennis. All right. Let's take a look here at our word, where the word is Vanguard. And we'll go over the definition one more time. That meeting comes from the words original sense, referring to troops moving at the head of an army. Um, let's see here. Wasn't there another here? Yeah, the forefront of an action or movement, right? 00:09:56:08 - 00:10:14:27 Michael Palladino Yeah. OK, so the sentence that we came up with was "Claire lamented to her friend Sarah about the drunk guy talking in the third person, Trevor Scott, who tried to convince her he was the vanguard of SEAL Team six but kept saying Rainbow six from the Tom Clancy video game." 00:10:17:18 - 00:10:38:06 Deadair Dennis All right, everybody. We officially expanded our vocabulary by one more word today. I want to thank everyone for watching and listening to the program. And of course, I want to thank my guest, Michael for joining us today and helping us construct this sentence, warning us about people, about people who may say they are in a vanguard and also probably who speak in the third person and Michael, please tell everyone where they can find you. 00:10:38:18 - 00:11:05:13 Michael Palladino Well, first, I want to thank you for being the Vanguard of comedy podcast, that is. And people can find me the best place to find me would be on Instagram. You can go to at @cycle_Tarantino. Cycle underscore Tarantino rhymes with my name, Michael Palladino, and I have a podcast you can find on Spotify and Apple Podcasts and whatever other platforms you might use. 00:11:05:13 - 00:11:18:02 Michael Palladino It's called Adult Humor. Dennis, you were a guest on there. Basically, we take the party jokes from old Playboy magazines and talk about just how unfunny they really are. So yeah, that's where people can find me. 00:11:18:11 - 00:11:22:15 Deadair Dennis Excellent. Thank you everybody for watching. For listening. And don't forget to word up. 00:11:22:15 - 00:11:39:04 Deadair Dennis Thank you so much for watching this episode of Word of the Day with comedians all the way to the end. I greatly appreciate it. And if you want to continue to keep expanding your vocabulary the funniest way possible, I recommend clicking this box right here to watch our latest episode. 00:11:39:19 - 00:11:48:11 Deadair Dennis Of course, stay up to date with everything by subscribing or listening to Word of the Day with Comedians on the go by downloading it on iTunes or Spotify.