00:00:03:23 - 00:00:13:12 Deadair Dennis Word up everybody. Welcome to Word of the Day with Comedians. I am your host, Deadair Dennis Maler. And joining me on the program today is comedian Booker and producer Mike Quindlen. What's going on, Mike? 00:00:13:29 - 00:00:16:18 Mike Quindlen What up world? How are we doing? How are you, man? I'm cool. 00:00:16:25 - 00:00:22:04 Deadair Dennis Out of curiosity, we have a rainy, dreary day here in Boston. Is it as rainy and dreary in Baltimore? 00:00:22:05 - 00:00:24:23 Mike Quindlen Absolutely, dude. 72 degrees and just grey. 00:00:26:09 - 00:00:34:11 Deadair Dennis Is the city crying away its tears at how sad it is about the true real life drama of We Own This City? 00:00:34:12 - 00:00:37:27 Mike Quindlen Oh, God. Is that not awful? Have you been watching that dude? 00:00:38:06 - 00:00:43:22 Deadair Dennis I saw the first episode and I was going to watch I was going to watch yesterday's episode before this, but I didn't. 00:00:44:00 - 00:01:03:28 Mike Quindlen Oh, dude it's so terrible. No, no, that's a lie. You shouldn't say that about someone's art. It's just it's. It's. I don't know. I'm not sure if it's this residual that it's hung over the city because of The Wire or whatnot, but this just seems it almost seems campy. In all honesty. It seems campy the way that they are portraying this city. 00:01:04:11 - 00:01:25:25 Mike Quindlen The first one with the guy with the Blast T-shirt, nobody has a Blast T-shirt. Man. Nobody has a Blast T-shirt. Ed Hale cannot pay enough people enough money to wear a Blast T-shirt. And that was the, dude, here's the deal: Dennis, that was a brand new blast t shirt, too. Don't nobody have a brand new blast T-shirt. 00:01:26:01 - 00:01:36:23 Deadair Dennis That was a crisp looking shirt. I was going to say it is a Blast t shirt with like it looked like the old logo, but it was a crisp, new fancy looking t shirt. So, yeah, maybe you're right there. 00:01:36:29 - 00:01:56:21 Mike Quindlen But it was like yo, let's get the chips in. And and the second one was the bad crab references. And the one guy, what's he from The Walking Dead, his his accent garbage dude. I don't know who I mean. I'm sorry. I don't mean to pick on it. Just did somebody in town, some local actor could have done that role. 00:01:57:05 - 00:02:03:25 Mike Quindlen They could have been more authentic, being more local than going and getting some of the heavy hitter names. And I guess if they tried to pull in for this. 00:02:03:25 - 00:02:24:26 Deadair Dennis Yeah, Jon Bernthal's accent is terrible. And it's like it's like he watched that. What's that Philadelphia show Mare of Easttown? It's like he watched Mare of Easttown and was like, oh, it's the same accent, right? It's terrible. Yeah, it's quite bad. But Josh Charles, I will I will give credit to Josh Charles. His Bawlmer accent, which very overdone, is spot on. 00:02:24:26 - 00:02:29:12 Deadair Dennis If you listen to the guy that his characters portray like and who's that? It's all real. 00:02:29:12 - 00:02:31:14 Mike Quindlen People. Who's Josh Charles Guy? 00:02:31:16 - 00:02:36:28 Deadair Dennis Josh Charles is the one that was out in the first episode. He's the cop has Hershel. 00:02:36:28 - 00:02:59:16 Mike Quindlen Yeah, yeah. OK, dude, in the second one. They just did a I live right by Frazier's in Hampden and they did it. They use Frazier's as one of the sets and it was just painful how inappropriately awkward the bar conversation was when they get in this confrontation, it's not really a confrontation, but it's just like nobody speaks like that, man. 00:02:59:16 - 00:03:07:29 Mike Quindlen It's just like there's nobody in Baltimore ever speaks the way these. Yeah, it's just it's it was a lack of authenticity of it for me there. 00:03:08:19 - 00:03:11:14 Deadair Dennis Oh, that's sucks, cause I liked the first one. I enjoyed the first one. 00:03:11:14 - 00:03:12:19 Mike Quindlen Are you insane? 00:03:12:19 - 00:03:26:18 Deadair Dennis I am. I am sorry. I this is a thing. I don't live in town anymore. So when somebody brings up crab chips, I'm like, fuck, yes, crab chips. Even though UTZ's crab chips aren't made with old bay seasoning. Herr's makes theirs with old bay seasoning. 00:03:26:23 - 00:03:28:10 Deadair Dennis I'm still a fan of of crab chips. 00:03:28:11 - 00:03:30:04 Mike Quindlen Oh, I did not know that. Yeah. 00:03:30:15 - 00:03:53:01 Deadair Dennis Now that we have just gone full on Baltimore with our references and complaints, let's go ahead and introduce today's word of the day, which is slapdash and slapdash means be done to hurriedly or carelessly. Which maybe when somebody was sitting around thinking of Baltimore references for We Own This City, they slapdashidly put their Baltimore references. 00:03:53:01 - 00:04:14:01 Mike Quindlen Yeah, dude, I don't even it even that that the title of that is nuts. Yes. slapdash. I don't know. I'd be. I see. I, I didn't really pay attention to that word in a long time. But it does definitely do. You know, it's funny talking about it doesn't slapdash. You're like, oh, insert Will Smith and Chris Rock joke. But he didn't, he didn't dash out. 00:04:14:07 - 00:04:32:15 Mike Quindlen He literally walked away. That was the thing that pissed me off the most one. Chris Rock didn't deserve that at all. No doubt his joke sucked. His reference was maybe not whatever, but he's Chris Rock and he's magnificent. One of the most magnificent, thoughtful comedians of all time. But when will turn to he had that smug look on his face. 00:04:33:09 - 00:04:52:03 Mike Quindlen You know what? You know what I wish would have happened? I wish the Rock would have came out of that fucking audience because they showed a picture of a Rock. And a Rock must have been a bit confused because his life is in theatrical violence, you know? Yeah, I don't know. That's just I would've loved if the Rock came over and knocked him on top of his head and had just knocked him the fuck out. 00:04:52:05 - 00:04:57:05 Deadair Dennis Dwayne the Rock Johnson coming to defend his kin, Chris Rock. 00:04:57:23 - 00:05:15:09 Mike Quindlen You know, it's crazy about dude, when I'm a I'm a bit older than you. I'm like, 50 and the Rock's dad, Rocky Johnson, man, he was one of my favorite wrestlers as a kid. I loved Rocky Johnson. So, yeah, I'm a big Rock fan. I think he's a great guy to tell you these are free, pretty decent actor, too. 00:05:15:18 - 00:05:20:14 Mike Quindlen He gets typecast, obviously, for who he is, but he seems awesome to me, man. So I think he's great. 00:05:22:24 - 00:05:44:18 Deadair Dennis And now that brings us to the fun fact. Did you know-ism of the day for the word slapdash. And our fun fact, of course, brought to us by Merriam-Webster, who is not a sponsor because they won't answer my emails. And in fact, I'm pretty sure they have a cease and desist order sitting in my mailbox from them telling me that I'm not allowed to mention them on the show anymore. 00:05:44:19 - 00:06:10:15 Deadair Dennis But, you know, at Merriam-Webster, I'm here for you. And our fun fact is in early recorded use of slapdash comes from the 17th century, British poet and dramatist John Dryden who used it as an adverb in his play, The Kind Keeper. "Down I put the notes slapdash," He wrote. The Oxford English Dictionary defines this sense, in part, as "with or as with a slap and a dash." 00:06:10:24 - 00:06:28:02 Deadair Dennis Gee, I wonder how they got those words together? Perhaps suggesting the notation of an action, such as painting, performed with quick, imprecise movements the adjective slapdash is familiar today, describing something done in a hasty, careless or haphazard manner. 00:06:28:11 - 00:06:48:15 Mike Quindlen I tell you what, I don't usually hear it used much in general population, but I tell you what it certainly does. It does represent how I've lived my life so far. It's absolutely 100% how I've lived my life. With haste, careless and a haphazard manner. I have, yes. I'm a slap dasher. 00:06:49:04 - 00:06:55:18 Deadair Dennis I am I love that we not only learned a new word today, but we also now found the epitaph for your tombstone. 00:06:55:18 - 00:07:07:28 Mike Quindlen Yeah, I absolutely dude. Without a doubt. This guy, that's what I want on my tombstone. This guy we're that guy. That guy. "Here lies that guy." 00:07:08:23 - 00:07:14:10 Deadair Dennis And just your tombstone is just shrug and shoulders out. This guy right. 00:07:14:12 - 00:07:22:15 Mike Quindlen No. Just a mirror. So people can look at themselves in a sad manner as they're at my. Yeah, here lies that guy. 00:07:22:22 - 00:07:24:23 Deadair Dennis He slapdash his way to the grave. 00:07:25:01 - 00:07:30:16 Mike Quindlen He certainly is trying, at least anyway, much to the consternation of my loved ones, especially my wife. 00:07:31:17 - 00:07:35:05 Deadair Dennis And consternation is tomorrow's episode. 00:07:36:00 - 00:07:40:23 Mike Quindlen Nice. You got to link this shit together to get some momentum going, dude. Get some momentum. 00:07:40:23 - 00:08:00:07 Deadair Dennis Give 'em a reason to come back. You have to watch tomorrow's episode to understand today's. Absolutely all right. And that brings us to the point where we should start constructing our sentence of the day using slapdash in context. And of course, every good sentence has to have a subject. It has to be about somebody. So let's try and think of the name. 00:08:00:07 - 00:08:21:02 Deadair Dennis Not a proper now, not an actual person, not someone that we know or a fictional character, real life person. Let's see if we can make you and me come up with a name that would represent somebody who is careless. So as if as a reference, you know, a woman who asks for managers is a Karen, what is the name of somebody who be careless? 00:08:21:02 - 00:08:22:26 Mike Quindlen Flow. Let's go with flow, OK? 00:08:22:26 - 00:08:32:19 Deadair Dennis All right. I like it. Flow I was also thinking is like I very rarely write these sentences about women. It was like... 00:08:32:19 - 00:08:54:14 Mike Quindlen All right, there you go. Here's an exercise. First Flow no slapdastardly responded. We never applied to Bumble, right? That's the one where the girl has to reply first, right? Yes. OK, yeah. All right. 00:08:54:14 - 00:09:03:00 Deadair Dennis Everybody. We have officially picked our word of the day. We have defined it and we have created a sentence using it in context. And to present all that for you is my guest, Mike Quindlen. 00:09:03:00 - 00:09:19:24 Mike Quindlen Flow reply to a bubble message with such slapdashary, she didn't realize she agreed to going to go on a first date to an improv show where there was no booze, no booze. Don't be so slapdash in the future. 00:09:20:11 - 00:09:31:24 Deadair Dennis All right, excellent. We have officially expanded our vocabulary by one more word today. I want to thank everyone for watching and thank my guest, Mike, for joining us and helping us create the sentence. And real quick, Mike, tell everyone where they can find you. Oh, just. 00:09:31:24 - 00:09:39:12 Mike Quindlen At Mike Quindlen. At M-I-K-E Q-U-I-N-D-L-E-N on Instagram, and also you'll find me on Facebook there, too. 00:09:39:23 - 00:09:48:08 Deadair Dennis Perfect. Excellent. Thank you so much, everybody, for being here. We're watching. Listening. And don't forget a word up. 00:09:48:08 - 00:09:52:12 Deadair Dennis Thank you so much for watching this episode of Word of the Day with comedians all the way to the end. 00:09:52:23 - 00:09:53:14 Mike Quindlen Greatly appreciate. 00:09:54:00 - 00:10:10:17 Deadair Dennis And if you want, continue to keep expanding your vocabulary the funniest way possible. I recommend clicking this part right here to watch our latest episode. Of course, stay up to date with everything by subscribing or listening to a word of the day with comedians on the go by downloading it on iTunes or Spotify.