Word of the Day with Shaun Connolly – Polyglot

Shaun Connolly is a comedian from Worcester, MA. He regularly performs in the New England area, and has been featured at the Boston Comedy Festival, the New Orleans Comedy Arts Festival, and Laugh Your Asheville Off. Shaun has directed Boston’s Old School Game Show, He produces two shows in Worcester, MA: Hot Dog! at the historic Coney Island Hot Dogs and The Sort of Late Show. Shaun is also the co-producer of Worcester's only comedy festival, WOOtenanny. His debut album Hot Dog!, is available for purchase on Bandcamp. As well as streaming on all platforms.

Follow him on Instagram: @sirshaunconnolly

Today’s word of the day is “polyglot,” which means "knowing or using several languages"—that is, "being multilingual." It can also mean "widely diverse (as in ethnic or cultural origins)."

Did you know: Polyglot comes from Greek polyglōttos, a combination of poly-, meaning "many" or "multi-," and glōtta, "language." Eventually, the word came to describe multilingual diversity.

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Don’t have time to watch Word of the Day with Comedians? Listen to it on:

iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/word-of-the-day-with-comedians/id1610955805

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/7uY1AW9FEcgoupRa0W1E1x

This episode was recorded using SquadCast. Create high-quality audio and video content with their in-browser software for premium recordings auto-saved with cloud storage. For more information or a 7-day free trial, click here.

Music on this episode was provided by The Dirty Dottys (https://thedirtydottys.bandcamp.com/),

Threat Level Burgundy(https://threatlevelburgundy.bandcamp.com),

& Ever Finer(https://www.juliediorio.com/).

To view a full transcript of this episode, click here.


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