Interview with Comedian Des Bishop.
The full, unedited chat with one of Ireland’s funniest comedians
Recently I had a chance to speak with one of Ireland's biggest comedians, Des Bishop, for a Q+A for DigBoston. All my previous interviews for the paper have been by email, so when his management told me to call him my first thought was, "Ah, shit, how am I going to record this?" A year ago I would've just done it in my home podcast studio, but right now it's not set up to take phone calls (it will again soon, just wasn't a priority at the moment).You may be thinking, "Dennis, you work in a radio station, how hard could it be to do it there?" Well, considering there was ZERO forethought into the construction/rehabilitation of this building, the answer is VERY. Normal radio studios have a special device by a company called Telos. This device is a phone matrix which makes it easier to plug a phone into a console (for lack of a more detailed explanation).It's a great invention which makes life so much simpler; iHeartMedia refuses to make anything simpler. Since where I work is not a "radio station" in the traditional sense, the traditional things don't apply, like phone matrixes or multi-mic studios.Luckily, they did send and install one of these devices during construction, but apparently didn't see a need for people working in the news industry to have access to recording a phone call.
And of course the time the call was scheduled was the exact time that the only person who uses that studio (but not the phone) was in there. Side note: a friend of mine who is a experienced, pro writer writes down all his phone interviews, and I think he's just bat-shit insane. But he might be on to something because he doesn't ask celebrities stupid questions like what would their wrestling name be?Anyway, some of the dumb, but fun questions didn't make it to print, so I thought I'd share them with you here.DES BISHOP_ A CHAT WITH ONE OF IRELAND'S FUNNIEST(Unedited)[pdfviewer][/pdfviewer]