Circus Performer & Radio Announcer Jack Lepiarz/Jacques Ze Whipper

Thank you so much for downloading this episode of So What Do You Really Do? The podcast where I speak to artists and entertainers about their day jobs and on the podcast is circus performer and on-air announcer, Jack Lepiarz aka Jazques Ze Whipper. I actually discovered him through Instagram reels. It just popped up randomly in my feed and it turns out he's a smart, funny, and talented performer.

We talk about his success on social media, and what it was like growing up in the circus, performing at Renaissance fairs, on street corners, and across the country. We talk a lot about how similar what he does is to what I do as a comedian, how we got started, the similarities the differences, and how The Offspring inspired both of us to be where we are today.

See him at a Renn Fair near you, and if he isn't performing, ask for him.

Here are some of the links to the people we talked about in this episode:
Brian Brushwood
Mark the Knife Faje
Aaron Bonk
Adam Crack
Leah Orleans

This episode is brought to you by Word of the Day with Comedians, a new short-form audio and video podcast available on YouTubeiTunes, & Spotify. It’s the funniest way to expand your vocabulary.

Music in this episode was provided by my good friends Scott Lester & The Dirty Dottys


Word of the Day with Joe Gorman - Simulacrum


Word of the Day with Matt Shore - Callithump