Word of the Day with Matt Shore - Callithump

Here to help us expand our vocabulary is comedian Matt Shore. Matt Shore is a musical comedian based in Boston MA. Originally from Portsmouth, NH, Matt combines traditional observational comedy with goofy songs to create a wild time. He performs in clubs, colleges, and wherever else people ask.

Follow him on Instagram: @MattShore__

Today’s word of the day is “callithump“, which means a noisy boisterous band or parade.

Did you know: Callithump and the related adjective "callithumpian" are Americanisms, but their roots stretch back to England. In the 19th century, the noun "callithumpian" was used in the U.S. of boisterous roisterers who had their own makeshift New Year's parade. Their band instruments consisted of crude noisemakers such as pots, tin horns, and cowbells. The antecedent of "callithumpians" is an 18th-century British dialect term for another noisy group, the "Gallithumpians," who made a rumpus on election days in southern England. Today, the words "callithump" and "callithumpian" see occasional use, especially in the names of specific bands and parades. The callithumpian bands and parades of today are more organized than those of the past, but they retain an association with noise and boisterous fun.

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iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/word-of-the-day-with-comedians/id1610955805

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/7uY1AW9FEcgoupRa0W1E1x

This episode was recorded using SquadCast. Create high-quality audio and video content with their in-browser software for premium recordings auto-saved with cloud storage. For more information or a 7-day free trial, click here.

Music on this episode was provided by The Dirty Dottys (https://thedirtydottys.bandcamp.com/),

Threat Level Burgundy(https://threatlevelburgundy.bandcamp.com),

& Ever Finer(https://www.juliediorio.com/).

Click here for a transcript of this episode.


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