Word of the Day with Anthony Scibelli

Here to help us expand our vocabulary is comedian, writer, and filmmaker, Anthony Scibelli. Anthony began writing and performing comedy while he was a student at Brandeis University, and since then, his disarming style, clever joke writing, and unique worldview have made him a powerful new voice in comedy.

Follow him on Instagram: @AnthonyScibelli

Today’s word of the day is “palingenesis“, which means rebirth or regeneration.

Did you know: Palingenesis “rebirth” derives from Ancient Greek pálin “again” and génesis “origin, source.” Pálin appears in several other English words that pertain to doubling or redoing, such as palimpsest “a parchment from which writing has been erased to make room for another text” and palindrome “a word or phrase reading the same backward as forward.” Common palindromes include the words kayak, level, racecar, and rotator as well as phrases such as “Madam, I’m Adam.” Génesis, the source of English genesis, has three important cognates that have also found their way into English. The first is Latin gēns (stem gent-) “race, people,” which gives rise to English gentle and gentry. The second is Sanskrit jāti “birth; class,” which was borrowed into English as jati, another term in Hinduism for “caste.” The third is Old English gecynd “nature, race, origin,” which exists today as kind “​​a class or group of people.” Palingenesis was first recorded in English circa 1620.

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Don’t have time to watch Word of the Day with Comedians? Listen to it on:

iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/word-of-the-day-with-comedians/id1610955805

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/7uY1AW9FEcgoupRa0W1E1x

This episode was recorded using SquadCast. Create high-quality audio and video content with their in-browser software for premium recordings auto-saved with cloud storage. For more information or a 7-day free trial, click here.

Music on this episode was provided by The Dirty Dottys (https://thedirtydottys.bandcamp.com/),

Threat Level Burgundy(https://threatlevelburgundy.bandcamp.com),

& Ever Finer(https://www.juliediorio.com/).

Click here for a transcript of this episode.


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