Word of the Day with Sylvia Mc Bateman

Here to help us expand our vocabulary is comedian, improviser, and mother, Sylvia Mc Bateman. Sylvia is a Dallas-based comedian who left her career in financial tech & consulting to pursue stand-up comedy and being a mom to 4 kids ages 4 and under (including twin 2-year-olds).

She also brings laughs from her experiences of being an Army Brat and immigrant daughter, to relate to loving, yet at times rocky, childhoods.

You can find her social media being featured by popular sites such as #TheDad and more. She recently took home the silver medal in the “March Laughness Comedy Competition” and is competing in the “Funniest Comic With A Day Job” competition this month along with performing at various other club shows and events sponsored by HOAs, churches, and parent groups.

Ultimately, she’s a lot like your dorky best friend next door who hopes to help folks know they’re not alone in their oddities and trials and to enjoy everyday life as much as possible. She truly is the Momedy of Comedy.

Follow him on Instagram: @SylviaMcBateman

Today’s word of the day is “amphibology“, which is a sentence or phrase (such as "nothing is good enough for you") that can be interpreted in more than one way.

Did you know: A venerable old word in English, amphibology is from Greek amphibolos (via Late Latin and Latin). Amphibolos, from amphi- ("both") and ballein ("to throw"), literally means "encompassing" or "hitting at both ends"; figuratively it means "ambiguous." Amphibology is an equivocator's friend. An editor who has been sent an unsolicited manuscript to critique, for example, might reply, "I shall lose no time in reading your book." Or a dinner guest who feels the onset of heartburn might say something like, "Ah, that was a meal I shall not soon forget!" But amphibology’s ambiguity can be unintended and undesirable as well, as in "When Mom talked to Judy, she said she might call her back the next day." (Who said who might call whom back?)

Follow Word of the Day with Comedians and your host on social media:

Twitter: @deadairdennis

Instagram: @deadairdennis

TikTok: @deadairdennis

Subscribe and watch Word of the Day with Comedians on YouTube.

Don’t have time to watch Word of the Day with Comedians? Listen to it on:

iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/word-of-the-day-with-comedians/id1610955805

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/7uY1AW9FEcgoupRa0W1E1x

This episode was recorded using SquadCast. Create high-quality audio and video content with their in-browser software for premium recordings auto-saved with cloud storage. For more information or a 7-day free trial, click here.

Music on this episode was provided by The Dirty Dottys (https://thedirtydottys.bandcamp.com/),

Threat Level Burgundy(https://threatlevelburgundy.bandcamp.com),

& Ever Finer(https://www.juliediorio.com/).

Click here for a transcript of this episode.


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