Word of the Day with Meredith Hopping

Here to help us expand our vocabulary today is comedian Meredith Hopping. Meredith is a St. Louis comedian by way of Illinois. She is a six-foot-tall comedian at night, homeschooling mother of three by day, and the granddaughter, daughter, and ex-wife of pastors (every day, not just on Sundays).

She's also the co-host of Oh Geez podcast alongside Kelsey Quinlan.

The pair discuss the stories of their life both past and present, with laughs along the way!

Follow her on Instagram: @MeredithHopping

Today’s word of the day is “sanguine“, which means confidently optimistic.

Did you know: If you're the sort of cheery soul who always looks on the bright side no matter what happens, you have a sanguine personality. Sanguine is the name of one of the temperaments that ancient and medieval scholars believed was caused by an abundance of one of the four humors. It comes from sanguineus—Latin for "of or relating to blood" or "bloody"—and over centuries has had meanings ranging from "bloodthirsty" and "bloodred" to "confidently optimistic."

Follow Word of the Day with Comedians and your host on social media:

Twitter: @deadairdennis

Instagram: @deadairdennis

TikTok: @deadairdennis

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Don’t have time to watch Word of the Day with Comedians? Listen to it on the go. iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/word-of-the-day-with-comedians/id1610955805

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/7uY1AW9FEcgoupRa0W1E1x

This episode was recorded using SquadCast. Create high-quality audio and video content with their in-browser software for premium recordings auto-saved with cloud storage. For more information or a 7-day free trial, click here.

Music on this episode provided by The Dirty Dottys (https://thedirtydottys.bandcamp.com/),

Threat Level Burgundy(https://threatlevelburgundy.bandcamp.com),

& Ever Finer(https://www.juliediorio.com/).

If you like this show, you may also like our friend's podcasts Good People, Cool Things and HILF: History I'd Like to F**k.

Click here for a full transcript of this episode.


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